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RUPP Cooperation & Partners

International Partners
No Country University and Address Purpose of Cooperation Official Letter
Vienna University of Technology - ASEA-UNINET Membership Partnership Agreement
University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - Exchange student, staff, publication, research and teaching program. MoU
Flinder University - Exchange of materials, student, information and publication as jointly agreed. Agreement
La Trobe University - Student staff exchange Agreement
The University of New South Wales - Research collaboration, Staff exchange, Scholarship support for PhD program at UNSW MoU
The University of Adelaide - Exchange of faculty, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. Participation in PhD and research Master Program at the University of Adelaide. MoU
Charles Darwin University - Generate activities to internationalize the university program and develop capacity MoA
Curtin University - Exchange student, staff, publication, research and teaching program. MoU
Universiti Brunei Darussalam - Exchange student, staff, publication, research and teaching program. MoU
University College Leuven (Group T) - To identify opportunities for exchange of faculty and research staff; possible interest and collaboration; faculty and students aware of the academic programs, research institutes. MoU
Vrije Universiteit Brussels - Exchange professors, Researchers, administrative and technical staff and students. MoU
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (University of Leuven) - Exchange of faculty, visiting scholars, research fellows, and student. Joint research activities, development programmes, and meetings. Exchange of academic publications, materials,and information. MoU
Hogesschool PXL-PXL University College - Exhchange of faculty, visiting scholars, research fellows, and student. Joint reserch activities, development programms, and meetings. Exchange of academic publications, materials, and information Internship. Cooperation Agreement
Qingdao Binhai University - Exchange faculty members, study, and materials. Agreement
Tsinghua University - Exchange faculty members, study, and research MoU
Yunnan Nationalities University (Yunnan University of Nationalities, Yunnan Minzu University) - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Research material and information. MoU
Kunming University of Science and Technology - Cooperation on Exchange Information and Research Agreement
Dali University, Honghe University, and Yuxi Normal University(DHY) - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Research material and information. MoU
Guangxi University for Nationalities, P.R. China - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Research material and information. MoU
Dali University and Honghe University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint conference, seminars and workshop. Joint Chinese language teaching and training. MoU
Yunnan Normal University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. MoU
Honghe University - Educational cooperation, students exchange (Khmer language study) MoU
Guangxi Normal University - Exchange of faculty, students, academic information, publications and materials.Organization of collaborative research projects. MoU
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION - Exchange of delegates and students and language teaching Agreement
Beijing Foreign Studies University - Exchange of students, faculty, scholars, staff and academic material and research collaboration. MoU
Yunnan Normal University - Students Exchange for one year (2016-2017) Agreement
Guangdong University of Foreign Studies - Exchange of students, faculty, scholars, staff and academic material and research collaboration. MoU
Institute of Hydrobiology Chinese Academy of Sciences (IHB) - Knowledge exchange in the field of hydrobiology and water environment in Greater Mekong Subregion, Joint research MoU
Minnan Normal University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. MoU
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. MoU & MoA
Dali University - Help sending Chinese students to teach Chinese at IFL Agreement
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. MoU
Nanjing Institute of Railway Technology - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Agreement
Shaanxi Railway Institute - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Agreement
Hunnan Normal University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Suzhou University of Science and Technology - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Beijing Jiaotong University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Zhengzhou University of Light Industry - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Institute for Tourism Studies, Macao Special Administrative Region - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Tianjin Foreign Studies University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Yunnan University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Fudan University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Shenzhen University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Guangxi University of Finance and Economics - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Northwestern Polytechnical University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Minjiang Teachers College - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU
Yunnan Minzu University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. MoU
Guangxi University of Foreign Languages - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. Exchange information and publication. Agreement
Minzu University - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint research activities, workshops, conferences. MoU and Agreement
South China Normal University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Hainan College of Foreign Studies - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
The Education University of Hong Kong - Establish the center of Excellence in higher eduction Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
- Establish the center of Excellence in higher eduction Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
- Establish the center of Excellence in higher eduction Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
- Center of Excellence for Higher Education Teaching and Learning Innovations PA (HEIP)
- Improving the Quality of University Teaching in Cambodia PA (HEIP)
Czech Republic
University of Hradec Kralove - Promote students, staff and researcher exchange, Joint research Cooperation Agreement
Tomas Bata University in Zlin - Promote students, staff and researcher exchange, Joint research. MoU
University of Turku - Exchange of faculty, staff, student. Joint conference, seminars and workshop. Joint language teaching and training. Agreement
Le Centre International de Mathematiques Pure et Appliquees (CIMPA), Avenue Joachia Nice - Training Lecturers and Students in Mathematics for Bachelor and Master Degree. (Pre-Master) Accord de project de Cooperation
L’Institut​Nationale des Science Appliqees de Rouen - Exchange faculty, students, research and information Convention Tripartite
L’Universite Paris 13, AUF - Bourses de Mobilite Francophones Pour La Formation des Etudiants Convention Tripartite
L’Universite de Nice-Sophia Antipolis - Exchange material, research and information MoU
L’InstitutNationale des Langues et Civilisation, Orientales - Exchange faculty and students. Agreement
L’Universite PARIS 8 - Exchange academics and research. In order to deliver lecture and conference. MoU
L’Universite de Corse Pasquale Paoli - Exchange science information. MoU
L’Universite Paris Diderot - Exchange faculty member, students, study and research. MoU
L’Universite PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE - Exchange faculty members, students, study, and research. MoU
L’Universite de France-Comte (Besancon-France) - Literature research MoU
L’Universite De Caen Basse-Normandie - Exchange culture and science MoU
L’Universite Paul Subatier-Toulouse III - Exchange faculty member, students, study and research. Agreement
L’Universite De Corsia Pasquale Paol - Exchange students, research and information. Joint conference and seminar. MoU
Catholic University of Paris - Exchange students, research and information. Joint conference and seminar. Agreement
L’Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientale (INALCO) - -
Georgia Augusta University of Gottingen - Exchange students, and faculty member. Joint research project. MoU
KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG e.V. - To establish international standard academic education for media professions in Cambodia. To contribute to the professional an ethical quality of print media an electronic media in Cambodia. Agreement
IWR Heidelberg University - Exchange faculty members, students and researchers. Join research project, including conferences and meeting, exchange information and publication. Agreement
Humboldt-Universitatzu Germany - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Rhine Waal University of Applied Sciences - Exchange of students, staff, professors, lecturers, experts and so on. Agreement
King Sigismund Business School (Hungary) and Alfred Nobel Open Business School (China) - Exchange of faculty, staff members, students, academic materials and other information. Staff development projects. MoU
Djuanda University - Exchange faculty members, students and researchers. Join research project, including conferences and meeting, exchange information and publication. MoU
Universitas Negeri Padang - Exchange faculty members, students and researchers. Join research project, including conferences and meeting, exchange information and publication. MoU
Bergamo University - Exchange students, and faculty members and researchers, and info. Joint researching project. Agreement
Sapienza University - Cultural Tourism, Cultural Heritage, Music, Dance and theatre, Tourism Development Agreement
Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 3-11-1. Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo, 183-8534 - Exchange students, and faculty members and researchers, and info. Joint researching project. Agreement
Osaka Prefecture University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Nagoya University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Nihon Fukushi University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Chiba University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Soka University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Waseda University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Sophia University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Saga University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Kanagawa University of Human Services - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Senshu University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Utsunomiya University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Osaka Internatonal University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Otemae University - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies - Exchange students, academic personnel, scientific, educational and scholarly material. Collaborate in development of special projects. Agreement
Chiba Institute of Technology - Joint research activities, exchange professors, researchers,staff, students, acedamic publication, scientific material, other acedemic and information MoU& Agreement
Okayama University - Exchange of faculty members, researchers, students,information, and publications. Joint research projects. Agreement
Shinnyo-en - Scholarhip for students at Japanese Department Agreement
Taiken Gakuen Wellness University ( Nihon Wellness Sports University) - Exchange of studentds , staff, faculty members, researchers. Joint study, lecture, international symposium. Agreement
Toyo University - Exchange of studentds , staff, faculty members, researchers. Joint study, lecture, international symposium. Agreement
Ashikaga Institute of Technology - Exchange of faculty members, researchers, students,information, and publications. Joint research projects. MoU
Fukuoka University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, information, and publications. Joint research projects including conferences and meetings MoU
University of Tsukuba - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, information, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meeting. MoU
Saitama University - Exchange of the faculty members and researchers, Exchange of students, organization of joint research projects, including conferences and meetings, exchange of information and publications, other activities mutually agreed upton by the two institutions. MoU
Showa Women's University - Exchange students, faculty, publications and othe information MoU
Mie University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU and Agreement
The Center for Southeast Asian Studies (CSEAS) and The Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies (ASAFAS), Kyoto University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Chuo University and Shokei Gakuin University Global Leap Letter of Intent
University of Fukui - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Hiroshima University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings Agreement
Niigata University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students,and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU and Agreement
Japan Foundation - Support Mr. Hidemasa Tachibana who teach at Japanese Department Agreement
Kobe University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students,and publications. Joint research projects,including conferences and meetings Agreement
Kobe Gakuin University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students,and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings Agreement
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students,and publications. Joint research projects,including conferences and meetings Agreement
Chuo University - Students and Faculty Exchange Agreement
Masashino University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students,and publications. Joint research projects,including conferences and meetings MoU
Kwansei Gakuin University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
The University of Kitakyushu - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Daito Bunka University - Exchange students and staff Exchange Agreement
Kumamoto University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
PICUAPP, INC. (Space Share Company) - Provide a photocopy machine, printers, other regular maintenance support and other supplies as needed to Hun Sen Library for students, teachers and staff to use for academic purpose only. Sponsorship Agreement
ABK College - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific (UMAP) - Focus on UMAP multilateral student exchange program Agreement
Komazawa University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Kyoto University of Technology - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings Agreement
Ehime University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings Agreement
Chungnam National University - Exchange Faculty members, students, materials, and information Agreement
Ewha Woman University, 11-1 Dachyun-Dong, Sudaaemum-ku, Seoul 120-750 - Exchange program between both university to expand study and international understanding Agreement
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - Student, staff, and faculty exchange; joint research activities; exchange of academic material Agreement
Dongsan Research Scholarship Local Scholarship to RUPP’s Student -
Korea University Anamdong, Sungbuk- ku, Seoul 136-701 - Exchange of developing study, research and teaching program Agreement
HANSEI University - Exchange student, faculty member and researcher Agreement
Chang Won National University - Exchange student, faculty member and researcher MoU
SOOKMYUNG Women’s University - * Exchange student, faculty member and staff * UNESCO-UNITWIN Membership MoU and Agreement
KYUNG HEE University - Exchange student, faculty member and Research Agreement
Youngsan University 150 Junam-riUngsang- up, Yangsan, Gyeongnam 626-847 - Exchange of faculty member and student Agreement
Sunchon National University - Exchange faculty member, student, and participation in course, conference, seminar, symposia or lecture Agreement
WOOSUK University - Exchange faculty, staff, and student. Exchange academic material and other information MoU
DAEJOEN University - Exchange faculty, staff, and student. Exchange academic material and other information MoU
Daegu University Korea - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Soonchunhyang University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Hanbat National University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Konkuk University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Sejong University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Soongsil University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. Agreement
Mokwon University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
White Information Networking CO..Ltd - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, information and publications and others Agreement
Chonbuk National University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic Agreement and MoU
Yonsei University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, information and publications and others MoU
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology - Exchange faculty, research, staff, other. MoU
Seoul National University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Dong-A University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. Agreement
Keimyung, Daegu, University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
Sogang University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information. MoU
- Curriculum Development, Teaching-Learning and Research Capacity Building PA(HEIP)
- Reforming Social Science Curriculum PA(HEIP)
Korea Women’s Development Institute (KWDI) - Exchange research scholars, staff, students, conferences, seminar, material in education and academic information MoU
Yeungnam University - Exchange staff, students, scholarship MoU
Korea Foundation - Dispatch visiting professor to teach at Korean Department Agreement
Catholic University of Daegu - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, conferences, meetings, academic information and publications MoU
Woosong University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, conferences, meetings, academic information and publications MoU
Ewha Womans University - Enhance research capacity, joint research and training programs MoU
The Korean Research Institute (KRI), University of New South Wales, Australia - Share academic knowledge in the field of public policies for national development in Southeast Asia and Korea, to promote of Korean Studies in Southeast Asia MoU
Incheon National University - Exchange of academic, administrative and non- academic staff, students, conferences, meetings, academic information and publications. Joint research program, develop common curricular MoU
Jeju National University - Exchange students, staff, faculty members, joint research activities. MoU
Ajou University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research and consultancy activities, participation in seminars and academic meetings, special short-term academic programs and projects, Dual or joint degree programs. Academic Agreement
Kongju University - Exchange of faculty members, researchers, students, information and publications. Joint research projects. MoU
Kongju National University - Cooperation on two projects (1) Global Education Support Project and (2) Leading University Project for International Cooperation Letter of Intent MoU
Dong-Eui University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research Agreement
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies - Silk-road Universities Network (SUN) with 28 universities Agreement
Korea University of Technology and Education (KOREATECH) - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research Agreement
Sun Moon University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU
ICT Convergence Rehabilitation Research Center, Soonchunhyang University - Students and staff of faculty of Engineering exchange MoU
Chungbuk National University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU
Busan University of Foreign Studies - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU and Agreement
Konyang University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU
Konyang Cyber University - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU
Universiti Sains Malaysia - Exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange Materials, publications and scholar information MoU
Universiti Utara Malaysia - Exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange materials, publications and scholar information Letter of Intent
New Zealand
Victoria University of Wellington - Exchange student, staff and research scholars. agreement
University of AGDER - Joint research and consultancy workshop, staff, and student. Exchange, training and study tours. MoU
University of Bergen - Joint research and consultancy workshop, staff, and student. Exchange, training and study tours. MoU
Transilvania University of Brasov - Exchange of students, exchange of faculty members/staff, exchange of academic materials and other information, joint research MoU
Temasek Polytechnic - Exchange students (inbound and outbound) MoU
Hemispheres Foundation - Facilitate two events (Global Youth Summit and Winter Summit and a Summer Summit) MoU
University of OVIEDO - Exchange student, staff, and research scholar Agreement
University of Granada - Erasmus+ Agreement
Uppsala University - Exchange student, staff, research and other activities Agreement
Umea University - Exchange of students, scholars, researchers, staff, academic publications and information. Collaborate in research. Agreement
Burapha University Bangsaen Chonbori, 20131 - Study and research cooperation Agreement
Buriram Rajabhat University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, academic publications and other academic and cultural information. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings Agreement
Chiang Rai Rajabhat University - Join research; exchange student, faculty, and Academic information; join organization of conference, seminar, and workshop MoU
Khon Kaen University 123 Mitraparp Highway, Khon Kaen 40002 - Exchange of faculty and exchange program between RUPP and KhonKaen University MoU
King Mongkut’s University of Technology, Thonburi Academic exchange and cooperation Agreement
Ubon Rachathani Rajabhat University - Exchange faculty member, researchers, students, material and information MoU
Ubon Rachathani University - Exchange faculty members, student, material and information MoU
Rambhai Barni Rajabhat University, - Exchange faculties, administrative staff, students, research materials, publications and other academic information MoU
Thammasat University - Exchange faculty, research staff and students MoU
Shinawatra University - Exchange of students and academic information; joint program include conference, meeting, study trips and project consultancy; cultural exchange program MoU
Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC) - Non-degree trainings, research, information and short-term staff exchange, internships for RUPP students in ADPC implemented programs MoU
Mahasarakham University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, academic publications and other academic and cultural information. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Asian Institute of Technology Project MoA
Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, academic publications and other academic and cultural information. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings MoU
Asian Institute of Technology Projeact MoA
Naresuan University - Exchange faculty, scholars, administrative staff, and students. Exchange academic materials and information. Research collaboration in the fields of mutual interests. MoU
King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL) - Exchange faculty, scholars, administrative staff, and students. Exchange academic materials and information. Research collaboration in the fields of mutual interests. MoU
National Astronomical Research Institute of Thailand (NARIT) - Joint research, student and staff exchange MoU
Suratthani Rajabhat University - Exchange faculty, scholars, administrative staff, and students. Exchange academic materials and information. Research collaboration in the fields of mutual interests. MoU
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology Thommasat University - Exchange faculty, students. Joint research project including conference and meeting. Exchange of information and publication MoU
Sisaket Rajabhat University - Exchange faculty, scholars, administrative staff, and students. Exchange academic materials and information. Research collaboration in the fields of mutual interests. MoU
Northern Illinios University - Exchange faculty, students and material MoU
Texas State University - Local scholarship to student Agreement
Texas State University - Local schlarship to student MoU
The school of social work at the University of Washington - Joint research, exchange faculty, student, and information MoU
The University of Hawaii at Manoa - Exchange faculty, student and cooperation MoU
University System of Georgia - Joint Research MoU
The University of Tennessee - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, information, and publications. Joint research projects, including conferences and meetings. MoU
The University of Texas at San Antonio - Exchange faculty member, staffs and students MoU
USAID-HARVEST - Scholarship award MoU
OHIO University - Joint research, exchange faculty, student, and information MoU
University of Hawai’i of Manoa - Exchange faculty and students, cooperation in research MoU
The University of Washington - Exchange of faculty members and students. Exchange of invitation to scholar for seminar, lecture. Joint research and publication. MoU
Angelo State University - 1+3 for mobility programs.. MoU
Teacher Training of HoChi Minh City - French Department MoU
Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) Institute of Material Science (IMS) and Institute of Physics and Electronic (IPE) - Exchange of information, scientific and education material, student and staff exchange program joint Development and research project, joint project proposal Agreement
Planning Office 165 - Promotion training in History and Cambodia cultural to Vietnam leader at RUPP Agreement
Hue University-College of Foreign Languages - Promote academic research and enhance educational opportunity for students MoU
Can Tho University - Exchange faculty research scholars, students, material in education and academic information Agreement and MoU
The University of Education, Vietnam ational University S.R. of Vietnam - Training for RUPP Faculty, Providing technical support around curriculum development, funding for small collaborative research project MoU
Thai Nguyen University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, and information Agreement
Program 165 - Improve Khmer language skills for senior officials and create opportunities for the officials to understand Cambodian culture Traning Contract
Long An Provincial Department of Home Affairs - Educational Cooperation MoA
Kien Giang University - Exchange faculty members, researchers, students, MoU
Dongthap External Relations Department and information MoA
25. Vietnam and Lao

The Hanoi National University of Education and the National University of Lao - Exchange faculty members and students, Information and experience MoU
Vietnam & Lao Universities - Exchanges of students and staff for study, research, lectures and discussion MoU
Department of Geography UCL, United Kingdom - Cooperation between the parties to conduct collaborative research and information exchange MoU
27. Other International Crane Foundation - Provide scholarship and research grants for Master’s students in the Biodiversity Conservation Program, provide technical assistance to graduate students, support lecturers to attend the regional wetland training course Project Agreement
Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) - Set up working mechanisms of GMS University Consortium, improve university governance and management, promote internationalization of higher education issues, develop and strengthen QA, enhance research collaboration, nurture a new generation of talents, foster knowledge frontier, encourage information dissemination in English "Joint Declaration"
Southeast Asia Media Training Network To strengthen mid-career training institutions in Southeast Asia -
SHARE - Exchange (Batch3) -
Fauna and Flora International (FFI) - Scholarship and research MoA
University of Ljubljana - Erasmus+ Program (Dr. Kristof Kranjc and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Franc Perdih, teaching staff to RUPP for 05 Days, 13-19 May 2018) -
Sida - ICT Policy and Master Plan -
SEAMEO Regional Center for Tropical Biology - Joint researches on tropical biology and related topics MoU
Austria ASEA-UNINET Membership -
The Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia - A project for constructing Silk Center at RUPP Grant Contract
Program 165 - Training Service Contract Training Service Contract
8 countries-10 countries (RUPP, University of Indonesia, National University of Laos, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Technological University Hmawbi, Central Philippines University, Naresuan University, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Chiang Mai Rajabhat University, Ho Chi Minh University of Technology ) ASEAN Smart Grid Congress MoU
28. Local Cooperation UFJ Foundation, 1-1-1 Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8114 Local Scholarship MoU
Japan Foundation Send the lecturers to help Japanese Department Agreement
MITSUI & Co.,Ltd. Provide scholarship to students at Japanese Department Agreement
Mitsubishi Corporation Provide scholarships to 4 undergraduate students of RUPP MoU
Marubeni Cambodia Education Foundation Provide scholarships to RUPP students MoU
AEON 1% Club Foundation Provide scholarships to RUPP students MoU
POSCO TJ PARK FOUNDATION Award POSCO Fellowship to RUPP student Agreement
Education First Cambodia Support ten female RUPP students for three academic years and provide English classes for free of charge to the 10 awarded students MoU
Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone (PPSEZ) Scholarship (5,000 USD for ten students each year until they finish) -
Prudential (Cambodia) Life Assurance PLC. Provide scholarships to RUPP students (5 students for four years of study) MoU
UMAP - Agreement
Shinhan Bank provide scholarship to RUPP student Agreement
Credit Bureau Cambodia
Khmer Enterprise
Solar Green Energy Cambodia Co., Ltd (SOGE)
ASEAN University Network (AUN)
Universiti Brunei Darussalam (Brunei) Strengthen the existing network of cooperation among universities in ASEAN by promoting collaborative study and research programmes on the priority areas identified by ASEAN Agreement
Royal University of Law and Economics (Cambodia)
Universitas Airlangga (Indonesia)
Universitas Gadjah Mada (Indonesia)
Universitas Indonesia (Indonesia)
Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia)
National University of Laos (Laos PDR)
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Malaysia)
Universiti Putra Malaysia (Malaysia)
Universiti Malaya (Malaysia)
Universiti Sains Malaysia (Malaysia)
Universiti Utara Malaysia (Malaysia)
University of Mandalay (Myanmar)
University of Yangon (Myanmar)
Yangon University of Economics (Myanmar)
Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)
De La Salle University (Philippines)
University of the Philippines (Philippines)
Nanyang Technological University (Singapore)
National University of Singapore (Singapore)
Singapore Management University (Singapore)
Burapha University (Thailand)
Chulalongkorn University (Thailand)
Chiang Mai University (Thailand)
Mahidol University (Thailand)
Prince of Songkla University (Thailand)
Can Tho University (Vietnam)
Vietnam National University - Hanoi (Vietnam)
Vietnam National University - Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam)

Contact Info


Ms: Ham Kakada
Mobile: (855) 12776511
Office: (855) 17 890 434
Address: #219A, Second Floor, Building A, Russian Federation Boulevard, Teuk Laak 1, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh Cambodia
Postcode: 120404